Special Olympics World Games

This week the Equestrian portion of the Special Olympics World Games are taking places at the L.A. Equestrian Center. I've been lucky enough to be there from the very start when all the set up was taking place, to the arrival of the athletes, matching of athletes and horses, and the start of the competition. The wonderful Zotti that I ride was matched up with a great athlete from France. It'll be awesome to see how they do this week.
A reporter from the Burbank Leader came out and interviewed me and my trainer Lehua about Ramazotti 75- it explains more about the horse/rider matching process. No matter if it's para equestrian or Special Olympics, I understand how hard these athletes have worked to get this far. They deserve a lot of respect to travel so far and then compete on a horse they've never met!
If you're in the area, come on out and cheer them on!