Welcome to Florida!
Hello! I'm checking in from sunny, but chilly Florida. This is the coolest January in Florida that I can remember. It's funny how 50-60 degrees in Florida can feel so cold when it can be nice and warm in NJ.
I got down here mid- December, two days after a surprise procedure on my right shoulder after losing almost all range of motion in that arm. Not great when you're getting ready to drive down and you do most of the driving with your right arm! I will need another procedure on both shoulders when I get back, but for now I'm trying to enjoy my time down here. I have my first CPEDI3* next week so Taco and I have been in training mode. This Friday we have the U.S. Para Dressage Team Coach coming out for a home visit and training before we do a one day show Sunday to prep us for getting back in the show ring for our week long CPEDI3*. We move in to the Adequan Global Festival show grounds on Tuesday for the start of the first big show and Paralympic qualifier down here!
We have a private farm down here which is nice for our health and safety. We enjoy our training time in the sandbox and then trail rides around the property and down the lane, around the canals with our other dressage pony friends. We're right nextdoor to a hunter jumper barn on one side, and a polo barn and field on the other so we get to watch games on the weekends from our farm. I've even enjoyed some time in the carriage this year with drives all over the streets with friends and of course Willy dog in my lap.
Otherwise, it's pretty quiet this year with Covid and I'm still spending the majority of time at home. I feel grateful to be down here and where I can ride and train in a safe manner. I miss NJ, but I can't say I miss it too much during this time of year.