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Off to Jersey!

Photo by Kristin Lee

Photo by Kristin Lee

I love the sport of dressage. I fell in love with it when I was introduced to horses and dressage after starting hippotherapy as part of my rehab. I continue to fall in love with it a little more each time I’m on my horse or I learn something new at the barn. Horses have been there to push me to some of my highs, and pull me out of some my lows. They’ve helped me become physically and emotionally stronger.

When I got sick, I was in a hard place. I had been living an independent, fulfilling life on the other side of the country away from my family. All that was quickly taken away from me. I watched all my friends continue to live their lives and thrive, and I was not improving. When the horses came into my life, I slowly saw changes and was able to find my identity again.

Dressage has become a huge part of my life and I’m forever grateful for the doors it’s opened up for me. I’ve met many amazing people, ridden talented horses, traveled the country to train with amazing coaches, and competed with some of the best athletes. People have opened up their doors to me and really challenged me to become a stronger person and rider. I’ve spent countless hours in the ring trying to develop the best version of myself as an athlete I can. I’ve spent endless hours outside the ring to make me the healthiest person I can.

This sport continues to teach me the importance of hard work, sacrifice, and teamwork. The lessons I’ve learned are ones that I apply to my every day life. Dressage is not who I am, but it has taught me more about myself than I could ever fathom.

I leave tomorrow to drive back up to NJ. This season in Wellington has been filled with such fun, learning, amazing shows, meeting new people, and lots of riding! I can’t wait to see what unfolds back in Jersey and all the adventures and experiences that are in store for me!

El Paso and I are training for some upcoming shows, the first being the WEG test event in a few weeks. There are so many expenses involved with transporting, stabling, and showing a horse at an event like this. If you'd like to help contribute or to learn more about joining my team click here: Join Alanna's Team

Please also feel free to contact me.

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