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Welcome Grand Meadows!

I am so thrilled to welcome Grand Meadows onto my team of supporters!

Royal started on Grand Meadows line of Grand Premium Plus right when he arrived and he absolutely loves it. He gets so excited when he sees it coming. Knowing that he’s getting the right supplements each day that helps support his health and well-being to keep him in top shape and fuel better performance for our show season keeps me at ease. Royal always looks great and feels great, too. His coat is shiny and he’s relaxed and content. People always ask what mix of supplements, grain, and feed he’s on; I have one simple answer: Grand Premium Plus!

If you want to know more about Grand Meadows, let me know. I also have a discount code you can use if you already use any of their products (code: 2100 or use my name if you call in an order!)

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